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International Women’s Day

08 Mar 2025

On International Women’s Day there is so much to celebrate. We asked our staff, students and lecturers what they associate with this day. And the answers are as diverse as the community on campus.

International Women's Day

When I think about today, I just remember the fights the previous woman had to allow us to have education, something that wasn’t allowed previously. And now I’m here in Lancaster studying.

Magda Student

International Women’s Day is about celebrating progress and breaking barriers. I’m so grateful to work in an environment where women are taking leadership roles, in tech spaces. It’s so inspiring to see them teaching the next generation of students by instilling knowledge and becoming role models.

Ruth Staff Member

On days like this, I realize how grateful I am to be able to express myself however I want as a woman, to be able to stand up for what I believe in and to be so independent.

Giorgia Student

This day reminds me of my mom – my best woman – who allowed me to do whatever I want. She is the reason I’m here today, running free to chase my dreams and don’t let anyone tell me what I can or cannot do.

Rushwi Student

Today we want to stand for all the hard working women that surround us who work every day for their financial independence.

Ester Staff member

There’s so much to celebrate today. Women making a difference in communities everywhere, every day. Inspiring. Connecting. Making change.

Christian Staff Member

To all the women out there: this is your day! So let’s just encourage, inspire and support each other. I wish you all a joyful and empowering day. Keep shining.

Neha Lecturer

For me, International Women’s Day is a reminder that no matter where you come from or how you got to where you are now, as women, you can do anything.

Elisabeth Campus Director

International Women’s Day, to me is a double reminder. It’s a reminder of the things we’ve achieved, or things, especially the sacrifices that women have made. But it’s also a reminder of what yet needs to be done. It’s a call to arms, a call for actions.

Philipp Lecturer

For me, International Women’s Day is about diversity. It’s a reminder that each woman is special by herself. And when I look here at Lancaster University Leipzig, I remember how unique each woman is and how each woman’s story should be valued.

Rana Staff Member
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