Congratulations to Aakash Ahmad, from Lancaster University Leipzig School of Computing and Communications, for receiving the Most Influential Paper Award!
The paper, titled: ‘Autonomic Resource Provisioning for Cloud-based Software’ by Pooyan Jamshidi, Aakash Ahmad, and Claus Pahl has won the Most Influential Paper Award at the 19th International Conference on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS-24) [CORE Rank: A].
The award-winning research presents a groundbreaking approach for autonomic resource provisioning in cloud-based systems and the MIP award recognises substantial – past 10 years – impact and influence of this work on theory and practice of self-adaptive cloud systems.
The award highlights the achievement of faculty and reflects LU Leipzig commitment to establish world-class research and development competencies at the School of Computing and Communications.
*SEAMS is one of the premier conferences on self-adaptive software, co-located with the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2024 – the annual Flagship event of software engineering research and practice.