Cyber security research focuses on protecting digital systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access and attacks. It involves developing techniques to identify vulnerabilities, create robust defences, and respond to threats. Researchers study encryption methods, design secure software, analyze malware, and explore human factors in security. They also investigate emerging challenges like protecting IoT devices and countering sophisticated cyber-attacks that could impact critical infrastructure and personal privacy.
Research Projects:
[2024-2029] EPSRC: Programme Grant, SCULI: Securing Convergent Ultra Large-Scale Infrastructures [Suri, link]
[2024-2029] EPSRC: National Edge AI Hub [Suri, link]
[2024-2026] GCHQ: Cyber-MALCULT Countering Malicious Online Security Cultures [Suri]
[2024-2026] Leverhulme Trust: Securing Self-Aware Autonomous Power Networks [Suri, link]
[2023-2024] GCHQ: AISEC AI Security Vulnerabilities [Suri]
[2023-2023] INNOVATE UK: PINCH: End-to-end Cyber Security Technology to Better Understand the Risks of Deep Learning Model Stealing [Suri]
[2022-2023] DSTL: The Security Gene: Discovering Embedded Commonalities within Adversarial Machine Learning [Suri]
[2021-2024] EPSRC: TAS-S: EPSRC Trustworthy Autonomous System Node on Security [Suri, link]
[2019-2023] EC-H2020: CONCORDIA: Cyber Security Competence for Research and Innovation [Suri, link]