Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
The module enables a critical understanding of the complexities of people in work and how this particular resource can be managed and with what effect. On successful completion of the module, students will be able to demonstrate the following subject specific learning outcomes:
- Understand the key concepts that underpin Organisational Behaviour
- Understand contemporary issues in Human Resource Management practice
- Understand different approaches to the management of human resources
- Critically engage with key debates over the development and nature of OB and HRM
- Recognise the complexities of the behaviour of people in organisations as they relate to OB and HRM
Accounting and Finance for Managers
This is designed as an introductory module in accounting and finance. The objectives of the module are:
- To introduce the main financial statements and understand how transactions are recorded to create the statements
- To understand how to interpret financial statements and appreciate their importance to the company and stakeholders
- To appreciate how accounting information is used inside the firm for planning, control, performance measurement, decision making and strategy
- To learn basic techniques related to internal use of accounting information
- To understand how firms finance their operations through an appreciation of financial management techniques
Business Ethics and Society
The objective of this module is to attempt to develop moral sensibility and practical reasoning in the context of managerial everyday action in organisations. The module concerns itself with morality in action, as it happens, rather than a removed reflection on codes and principles of ethics. The module aims to show that ethics in action is diffused and difficult. Nevertheless, managers and employees have a responsibility to `work it out’ for themselves. It is this `how to work it out’ that the module keeps as its focus. The module utilises a number of case studies as a basis to develop this moral sensibility so that managers will be able to act in a morally appropriate manner as part of their ongoing organisational action.
Digital Transformation of Business
The main objective of the module is to understand how to apply and leverage information systems in the way we work. Topics include:
- Corporate computing – architectures, software, networks, and data management
- Enterprise applications – frameworks for understanding integrated systems in manufacturing and services industries
- IT as an enabler: changing primary value creating functions (example e-business and airlines) and resulting new products and services (examples music business and courier services)
- IT as an enabler: changing strategy and organisation forms (examples knowledge management and eHRM)
- Business Value of IT: methods for determining and optimizing the value of IT investments
- Managing digitisation: aligning business strategy and digitisation strategies, challenges and options for companies in different industries
The purpose of this module is to examine entrepreneurship in different economic and cultural contexts. The main questions are how entrepreneurship develops in different economies and cultures and how can we understand this process.
Topics covered include:
- Trends and drivers of global entrepreneurship
- The alchemy of business growth – high impact firms
- Business plans in action
- Opportunity recognition
- Evaluation of opportunities
- Business planning
- Financing startups and venture valuation
Marketing Management
The main objectives of the module are:
- To develop knowledge and understanding of the key theories, concepts and models in marketing to guide the development and execution of marketing strategies.
- To develop the skills to critically analyse marketing situations facing organisations.
- To develop written and verbal presentational skills.
Operations Management
The aim of this module is to introduce you to the discipline of Operations Management; to a range of approaches that can be used to plan, control and improve operations; and develop understanding of how Operations Management contributes to business competitiveness.
The material covered will include:
- Operations Strategy
- Process Design
- Capacity Planning (and Forecasting)
- Inventory (and Material Requirements Planning)
- Supply Chain and Supplier Relationship Management
- Lean and JIT
- Project Management
- Performance and Quality Management
- Organisation Behaviour and Human Resource Management
- This module explores the main debates in the field of Human Resource Management and the HR profession. This includes:
- The business environment and strategic HRM
- HRM in a multinational context
- Managing change and HRM
- Ethical stakes and challenges of global business
- Examining HRs role in promoting more ethical and sustainable organisations
- HRM and firm performance
Practical Project Management
This module introduces a practical approach to the management of projects. It engages you with a range of methods, tools and techniques used in industry to organise, plan and control successful project delivery. Also, it features an activity that provides you with the opportunity to apply these methods, tools and techniques.
Typical syllabus topics relate to Methods, Tools and Techniques: Project Definition; Involving Stakeholders in Projects; Activity Planning: Project Risk, Developing Schedules and Budgets; Management Planning: Quality management.
Research Methods
Designed as a bridge between the more formal taught parts of the programme, this module will provide you with insights into the philosophical and practical issues involved in conducting research.
The initial lectures and seminars introduce you to the role of philosophy in the design of any research project. The remainder of the first half of the module is then concerned with the wide variety of qualitative methods that are available to those involved in social science research. Finally, through a series of lectures and hands-on tutorials, you are shown the basics of conducting a quantitative study which includes the use of an appropriate software package.
Strategic Management
The ultimate goal of the module is to develop your’ skills in analysing strategic situations and formulating strategy. After the module you should be able to analyse the competitive situation facing a firm, identify potential sources of competitive advantage and disadvantage and gain an appreciation of international business environments. In these analyses, you will apply analytical techniques from strategy, finance, accounting, organisational theory, organisational behaviour, marketing, economics and operations management.
You will be able to recognise the problems the organisation faces and develop and evaluate alternative courses of action available to the firm to solve those problems. Further, you will be able to persuasively communicate your analytical conclusions, both verbally and in writing. You will develop the ability to view the corporation as a whole and to appreciate the responsibilities and margins of freedom of top executives.
Management Project
The last module of your degree, the Research Project, is the biggest and most intensive piece of work you will undertake on the MSc Management.
For this module you conduct independent research over a period of ten weeks, using and building on the knowledge gained from the previous modules. Through the project, you will also develop your organisational and analytical abilities. At the end of your project, you submit your dissertation. Supervision is provided by academic members of staff from the various LU Leipzig Management School departments.
There are the following project options available to students:
- An independent piece of research-based project, choosing from a number of academic areas put forward by academic staff within the Management School.
- A company project with a local business where you will work in a team of four students on providing a viable solution to a current business issue you will discuss with the company. The team will produce a company report that will be assessed. You will then also have an opportunity to write a reflective paper summarising your experience and consolidating your learning. Throughout the teamwork and individual writing, you will be supported by academic staff within the Management School.